Runner Management
Runner Management Functions
These command-line functions help you to manage your runner installation.
Runner Install
datature runner install
Installs a new Runner and connects to Nexus to utilize the Runner for training.
Sample Output
$ datature runner install
? The Runner will take up approximately 754MB of disk space.
To run trainings on your Runner, it is also recommended to have an additional minimum of 8GB of disk space on y
our system. Continue? Yes
? Please enter the name for your custom runner: my-custom-runner
✔ Success: System specs verified.
✔ Success: microk8s is installed and running.
✔ Success: Runner 'my-custom-runner' [85180e] registered.
✔ Success: Runner namespace 'datature-runner-47c81e83-6a41-4538-92ea-7b5dda85180e' created.
✔ Success: Config map applied.
✔ Success: Service account applied.
✔ Success: Docker registry credentials set.
✔ Success: Deployment 'datature-runner' applied.
Initializing the Runner… |████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [100%] (16.60/s)
✔ Success: Resources cleaned up.
Success: Runner installed and initialized.
Return to your Nexus workspace:
Runner List
datature runner list
Sample Output
$ datature runner list
my-custom-runner 85180e Available Valid
Runner Status
datature runner status
Name or hash of your Runner (last 6 digits of the Runner ID). If this is not provided, you will be prompted to enter either value to specify the Runner.
Sample Output
$ datature runner status my-custom-runner
| my-custom-runner 85180e Occupied Valid |
| Cores RAM GPUs CUDA Driver |
| 8 31 GiB 1 535.54.03 |
| GPU Name VRAM CC |
| 0 Tesla T4 16 GiB 75 |
| d502ca model-yolov9 Creating 2024-07-15 14:18:11 29 GiB 1 |
Runner Logs
datature runner logs
Dumps all the logs over the lifetime of the specified Runner or training run into stdout (default), with an option to dump to user-specified file.
Accumulated logs over time may be large, consider using commands like
to suppress log output if you are frequently using this command, e.g.datature runner logs my-custom-runner | tail -n 10
to print the last 10 lines.
Name or hash of your Runner (last 6 digits of the Runner ID). If this is not provided, you will be prompted to enter either value to specify the Runner.
[--run RUN_ID]
6-digit ID of your training run. This can be found on the Trainings page on Nexus, or by running datature runner status [runner_name_or_hash]
if the run is still ongoing. Specifying the run ID will dump the logs of the particular training run associated with the Runner, instead of the Runner logs.
[--output /path/to/logs]
Dumps logs to a specified file path instead of stdout.
Sample Output
$ datature runner logs my-custom-runner | tail -n 4
[2024-07-15 14:14:39,098] (datature-training) DEBUG - WARNING:tensorflow:AutoGraph could not transform <function DatatureDataset.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7fd4c5514ca0> and will run it as-is.
[2024-07-15 14:14:39,099] (datature-training) DEBUG - Cause: could not parse the source code of <function DatatureDataset.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7fd4c5514ca0>: no matching AST found among candidates:
[2024-07-15 14:14:39,099] (datature-training) DEBUG -
[2024-07-15 14:14:39,099] (datature-training) DEBUG - To silence this warning, decorate the function with @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert
Runner Reauthentication
datature runner reauth
Sample Output
$ datature runner reauth
? Please enter the name or the hash of your Runner (last 6 characters of Runner ID): my-custom-runner
? Please enter your workspace secret key: ****************************************************************
✔ Success: Config map applied.
✔ Success: Deployment 'datature-runner' restarted successfully.
✔ Success: Runner 'my-custom-runner' [69a8e5] reauthenticated successfully.
Runner Suspend
datature runner suspend
Sample Output
$ datature runner suspend
? Please enter the name or the hash of your Runner (last 6 characters of Runner ID): my-custom-runner
✔ Success: Runner 'my-custom-runner' [69a8e5] suspended successfully.
Runner Resume
datature runner resume
Sample Output
$ datature runner resume
? Please enter the name or the hash of your Runner (last 6 characters of Runner ID): my-custom-runner
✔ Success: Runner 'my-custom-runner' [69a8e5] resumed successfully.
Runner Uninstall
datature runner uninstall
Sample Output
$ datature runner uninstall
? Please enter the name or the hash of your Runner (last 6 characters of Runner ID): my-custom-runner
? Are you sure you want to uninstall the Runner? This action is irreversible.
Uninstalling will remove all associated data and configurations. Yes
? There are ongoing runs associated with this Runner that will be killed. Ensure to save any necessary data before proceeding.
Do you wish to continue? Yes
✔ Success: Runner 'my-custom-runner' [bff1dd] uninstalled successfully.
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Updated 29 days ago