Registering/Deregistering a Model

Registering a Model

Model Registration Interface

To register a model, click the "+" icon at the top of the application. This will bring you to the Model Registration interface. Successfully loaded models will appear in the Model Loading interface.

Locally Stored Models

Locally stored models can be registered into Portal through the Local tab. In this tab, the Model Type, Name, and model Folder Path are required. The model Description is optional.

Model Type

Currently, portal supports exported models from Tensorflow and Darknet for locally stored models. Based on the model type, certain requirements have to be met before the model can be successfully registered.

Model Exported from Tensorflow

Models exported from Tensorflow require the files label_map.pbtxt (Containing the label map) and saved_model/saved_model.pb in the model Folder Path.

Model Exported from Darknet

Models exported from Darknet require a label map file that ends with .names, a weights file that ends with .weights, and a config file that ends with .cfg in the model Folder Path.


The Name field is a compulsory field that will be tagged to the model after registration.

Folder Path

The Folder Path field is a compulsory field that must point to the directory that contains the model.


The Description field is an optional field that may include any added notes about the model that the user might want to record before registering the model.

Models from Nexus via Hub

Models can be registered directly into portal from the Nexus training platform through the Datature Hub tab. In this tab, the Model Key, Project Secret and Name fields are required. The Description field is optional.

Model Key and Project Secret

The Model Key and Project Secret fields are compulsory fields that identifies the model to be downloaded from Hub.

To understand more about obtaining the Project Secret and Model Key from Nexus, click here.


The Name field is a compulsory field that will be tagged to the model after registration.

Folder Path

The Folder Path field is a compulsory field that must point to the directory that contains the model.


The Description field is an optional field that may include any added notes about the model that the user might want to record before registering the model.

Deregistering a Model


Attempting to deregister a loaded model will unload and deregister the model.

To deregister a model, click on the Model Loading Interface, then click on the Model Settings of your desired model.

In the Model Settings interface, click on the red trashcan button to deregister the model.